(604) 333-3640 | info@bcartisticswimming.ca
BC Artistic Swimming is a not-for-profit organization with revenue streams driven primarily through members who fund approximately 45% of our programs. Our organization also relies heavily on government funding – funding that supports a host of programs and initiatives and has remained relatively the same for many years.
BCAS is seeking partner organizations interested in helping people thrive. Partners who understand that the steadily increasing cost of doing business, hosting events, and running programs should not prevent kids from having the opportunity to experience the benefits of sport. Partners who are committed to supporting quality, values-based sport programs for athletes with diverse backgrounds and needs.
We are always looking to make new connections that allow us to continue to serve our athletes, coaches, and officials. We offer a variety of sponsorship packages that acknowledge our sponsors through social, digital, and printed media. To discuss sponsorship opportunities, please contact Executive Director, Jennifer Keith.
Club Directory